Update September 30th 2016
The Ride-of-Smiles made it back to the safe haven in Germany after 56.000 GS-Kilometers - and now comes back from celebrating with 60 supporting friends and family from the Ride-of-Smiles-Party at 1550 m altitud in the Bavarian Alps.
Friends joining us from Ucraine to Switzerland. From Berlin to Hamburg , from east to west and north to south in Germany. What a venue, what a crowd, what a band .
And best of all we even bring back more donations from the mountains - including 915 € from our friend Joergs incredible MZ-Adventure all over the roads of Germany and 1500 € all together.
There ain´t no THANK YOU big enough for everybody who suppported and helped along all the tough riding times out on the road.
It was your support and your smiles who kept the charityproject going when times got rough.
And it was my pleasure now to bring that smile all back to you - and to celebrate what we have achieved all together - as much as sharing some of all the intense and quite often extreme experiences between snow, bushfires, deserts and hurricanes from Canada to the Australian outback - at least with those of you I could invite to the Ride-of-Smiles-Party from the 23- 25 th of September.
Eeverybody who helped along - even if you could not be with us for long distance travelling or simply time reasons. You were with us for all you did to help others !!
It was an incredibly intense experience to have shared all this with you and the world - far away from only being easy - but intense and magic at all times 
Thank you all to those who know they deserve it from the bottom of my heart
Be the change, you want to see in this world 
Mahatma Gandhi
For technical limitation in Google Maps we cannot display and load the whole GPS-Tarck here, but have to limit it to the last week. To see all progress please refer to this website and allow some loading time please
La Vuelta 2014 - Spanien-Bildergalerie online
Für alle , die Spanien in seinem Innersten begegnen wollen. Für alle, die abseits der besonders im Somme stark bevölkerten Mittelmeerküsten unterwegs sein möchten. Und für alle, die einfach hintendrauf beim Ride-of-Smiles mitfahren möchten. Hier in der Bildergalerie findet ihr einige Impressionen aus 7000 km Spanien im Oktober – nicht nur Testfahrt für den Ride-of-Smiles. Am Ende eine meiner intensivsten Motorradreisen. Mit den Menschen Spaniens als Geschenk und den unglaublichsten Farben des spanischen Herbstes. Ein Rendezvous mit der Realität der Menschen in einer der großen Wirtschaftskrisen des Landes. Und ihrer trotz allem immer pulsierenden Lebensfreude. !Vamonos! Espana... Hier geht es zur fotografischen Vuelta 2014 . disfrutalo...