The live blog of the Ride-Of-Smiles can be found embedded on the homepage below the live GPS-trackmap or directly at this link
Whenever I find time to write or post I try to share the exciting encounters and experiences of this travelling project with you.
Be it by pictures and short stories reporting from peoples lives out on the road. Be it from visiting individual aid projechts along the route- Or be it meeting the bikers and crossing minor towns ,villages or well knowm Metropolitan cities all over the world. Find reports from the technique of the motorcycle and equipment wherever it is interesting. See how the brandnew R 1200 GS Adventure copes with the challenge. And share all the unseen natures beauty and powerful sources, that us bikers tend to be much more exposed to than those travelling by foot, cars, busses or even planes. The charm of travelling on a motorcycle is the unknown, the challenge in solving those problems on the road from which you had no idea of in advance. The travel diary of Ride-of-Smiles will report of all this.
I hope you enjoy reading.
Please do not be impatient or anxious when you do not read anything in the blog every day. The purpose of the trip is not to hit as mans as possible WLAN hotspots in the world. In too many interesting places in the world there is not even cellphone or internet-access. The world has only around 20% of mobile network coverage - somehow almost soothing.
For all the times without internet-access there will be small Livetweets via the little Delorme-In-Reach-GPS tracker. The Tweets can be followed here on the homepage ( bottom left) or subscribed @ride-of-smiles .
Have fun following our latest news and donation score , and "Stay tuned please":-)
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