How to donate ?
Who does not want to read the detailed description for donations, can please go through these links directly to the charity organizations. There you will find all the information for donations including donation receipts for the tax office ( German donors only / sorry for that, as the project was born and is based in germany – yet a taxreduction should not be the mere motivation).
A KIND BUT IMPORTANT request to all donors again :
Please consequently follow the donationlink to the NGO homepage without leaving , as otherwise no allocation can be linked with the project site (you then still donate, but we cannot add it to the total sum of donations ,as we cannot see it anymore)
Donating for CBM and Sternstunden and anywhere outside this homepage please always specify the keyword "Ride-of-Smiles" as subject of your donation, as otherwise we can not make any allocation of donations to the Project
.You can choose from online donation tools to transfering money without online need, for those who prefer the classic way of sending a paperbased donation. For those too please refer to “Ride-of-Smiles”
Here is the more detailed description about donating:
You have several ways to help:
Here on the website the donations partners present their own charity work and projects, each of them based on an individual page. This information describes the commitment of our partners to needy people from the most extreme centers the center of current natural disasters or armed conflicts on all 5 continents back to even Bavaria in Germany, where only few people might think, that poverty could be a problem too. Yes , it is everywhere .
The fundraising partners on the other site host a reference Site on their homepages for the Ride-of-Smiles, where you can go for easy , safe and convenient onlinedonation with one click.
This click you get from our charitypartners site here on the homepage , if you follow these links below . It is your personal choice , to which of the positive and caring ideas you would like to send your money too – all to one or a share for each ( my personal suggestion :-) )
Wherever your money will reach – there will be a smile for an answer
copyright by CBM
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