Sternstunden Bavarian Broadcast TV and Radio
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For our American, Canadian, Australian and English speakimg friends out on the road, as well as classic paperbound moneytransfer please refer to bankdetails of STERNSTUNDEN e.V. as follows:
IBAN: DE08 7005 0000 0007 0510 00
Keyword : Ride-of-Smiles ( please always refer to )
A brief personal note first on STERNSTUNDEN ( best translated as “Magic Moments”):
Even though I have the incredible good fortune to have seen a bit of the world in its beauty as well as in extremes in many places and continents. Yet I have lived and still live a local life. For many years in Bavaria and the largest and very greatful part in Germany. Poverty and deprivation has many faces. And always one on site. In our immediate neighborhood:.
The Ride-of-Smiles that for wants do something on poverty in Germany and Bavaria too. Right here where I live . As important as elsewhere in the world. Both sides matter to us.
100 percent for children in need
STERNSTUNDEN in the meantime takes responsibility for more than 20 years for sick, disabled and children in need - in Bavaria, Germany and worldwide. The Foundation responds whenever and wherever is quickly and efficiently. Thanks to the unbroken helpfulness of many people since the founding STERNSTUNDEN could collect around 182 million euros and support more than 2,520 children's charities.
Since its founding in 1993, STERNSTUNDEN, the charity campaign of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, with the support of Bayerische Landesbank, Savings Banks Association Bavaria, Bavarian building society and insurance chamber Bavaria engages for needy children and adolescents.
Your donation is guaranteed for to send help
Each and every donation for STERNSTUNDEN is passed guaranteed without deduction for needy children, for the administrative costs of the charity campaign can be met with support from partners and sponsors as well as interest income. To ensure conscientious use of the entrusted donations, all incoming funding applications undergo a comprehensive review and control procedures. The funding of STERNSTUNDEN contributes mostly for childrens charity projects in Bavaria and Germany. However, the charity campaign also supports children relief abroad. The implementation of international projects is performed by charitable organizations based in Germany.
Ensure sustainable aid
In order to enable permanently improved living conditions for the affected children , STERNSTUNDEN puts great importance to the lasting impact of the projects. A large number of promoters is promoted several times, to ensure good relief projects can built out long-lasting structures
Honors and Awards
STERNSTUNDEN has received numerous awards for community involvement:
1999 Price of the European Cultural Foundation Pro Europa
2006 Online Star
2007 Bavarian Television Award
2012 Father Rupert Mayer Gold Medal
2013 German Order of Merit for Thomas Jansing, the founder of the charity campaign
Commitment and success
Some 300 events and actions are performed annually in favor of moments. Whether Bazaar, summer festival or marathon - the ideas for fundraising are no limits. All year round, reported the Bayerische Rundfunk in television and radio broadcasts via the charity campaign and documented in this way the money is spent at home and abroad
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