Christian Blind Mission CBM
To go straight towards the donation please follow and stay on this link ( Note German only)
CBM- RIDE-OF-SMILES-Donationsite
- Please consequently follow the donationlink to the NGO homepage without leaving , as otherwise no allocation can be linked with the project site (you then still donate, but we cannot add it to the total sum of donations ,as we cannot see it anymore)
Donating for CBM and Sternstunden please always specify the keyword "Ride-of-Smiles" as subject of your donation, as otherwise we can not make any allocation of donations to the Project .
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For all our American, Canadian, Australian and English speakimg friends out on the road as well as for classic paperbound moneytransfer please refer to bankdetails of CHRISTIAN BLIN MISSION CBM as follows:
IBAN DE46 3702 0500 0000 0020 20
Keyword : 0017062 ( please always refer to )
Christian Blind Mission (CBMBrief introduction CBM (CBM)
The CBM (CBM) is one of the largest and oldest organizations of development cooperation in Germany.
Our main objective is to improve the quality of life of the poorest people in the world who are disabled or are in danger of becoming disabled.
CBM has been around for over 100 years. It currently supports 672 projects in 68 countries worldwide.
This offer health services that enable children with disabilities to attend school and adults with disabilities gain access to rehabilitation services and a livelihood.
The CBM partners in developing countries offer preventive, curative, educational and rehabilitative services of high quality. They do help, among other things, to reduce poverty and improve the autonomy of people affected.
In addition, the CBM advocates the inclusion of people with disabilities as equal members in all aspects of social life.
CBM has, inter alia, Consultative status at the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized as a professional organization.
CBM regularly receives the donation seal of the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) making it one of the recognized and recommended donations plants in Germany.
More information is available at
At this point we would like to introduce one of many exciting projects in more detail about our fundraising partner. If the rest of the tour permits, BABA will go visit this aid project.
As this is yet in German let me explain it a bit to you. How an eye-surgeon started out of his privately run hospital with a day of surgey for the poorest in Paraguay, thta could never have afforded proper treatment at their own cost. Eventually he changed his medical orintaion fully towards those , that in a regula setup would never benefit from his surgical skills. A story written by life itself and the great heart of Dr. Rainald Duerksen in Asuncion, the Capital of Paraguay, who in 1999 founded the "Fundacion Vision"about everybodies right to see the world with his own eyes.
Highscore for Sabino !
All Informations and picture sources on these pages courtesy of CBM
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