Starting off with the idea to ride a ˋ50´ on the worldmap – nice try.
Thus being offered a wide range of choices, where to go and drive.
Just as good, if you wanna add a free Apple and Approid-App for smartphones and tablets.
Out to inform and entertain you as much as serving the original ideo of the Ride-of-Smiles:
Collect money for the poorest and our charitypartners to help them out of their misery.
Me is like most of us fond of using new technologies . Especially where it works and makes life more enjoyable. But there is no technique on earth without human enthusiasm in the origin and background. And it is exactly the passion of my digital masterminds in the background to get all this going, what you are just about to read and see here on the homepage- alike in the free Ride-of-Smiles -App – My friend Rick „the motornomad“ for the homepage just like Andreas Meyer for the App-theme have realized all that in a joint venture reaching from Malaysia to the west and the south of Germany. Mulitnational and transglobal – this suits well for the Ride-of-Smiles. Both of them keep working for months in mutual optimizing of all the necessary technical interfaces . Thank you both so much for your patience, passion finding a solution to each of my „userproblems“.
One of this solutions is the integration of the GPS-Livetrackingmap right in the center when you start the Ride-of-Smiles-Homepage .
Just click into the page to find out about BABAs current position. How does that look in 3D-Mode and what is close to the location. Handicaps or borders ahead- How many miles did he do today ? Hurricanes or thunderstaorms nearby? Or bushfires and Floodings in Australia. What is the heading, where roads come to an end ? Are Kangaroos visible from a satellite ? Or is there an Emergencycall via the GPS-Tracker .
The App will give you access by linking to the GPS-Map on the homepage, providing the latest news for you . Twitterposts via the GPS-Tracker will keep you updatet with daily lifesigns whenever possible. And BABA will love to read your SMS out on the road between the Amazone jungles and the outback – You can send them at your local standardfees towards the Delorme-In-Reach-GPS-Tracking-device.
We love to take you with us right into the great adventure. Feel it live. No safety net. Unfiltered.
Facing the beauty of the planet . Straight into some of the most terrific places bewtween Grand canyoon , Iguazu Falls and Lord-of-the-Ring-sceneries in New Zealand. Meeting its people and their personal stories – All this goes alongside with the daily minor and major difficulties und unplanned events of this extreme tripping.
Challenges to be met. Tasks to be cleared. All together we will find a way out.
And as always – by the end most, if not all problems will dissolve and disappear to where they came from – as long as you face them with a big smile.
More details of the technical GPS-solution with the Delorme-In-Reach-Tracker you find proceeding here