What´s on at the Ride-of-Smiles ?

Find some of the latest chronologig milestones and what is currently on the itinery

September 2016


23-25 th of September – the Ride-of-Smiles- Family celebrates with his closest friends


find your personal invitation soon – this is my thank you to all of you helping me along




May 2015


1st of May 2015 – The Ride-of-Smiles starts at the Statue of Liberty - right were the Ride-of-Change-2008 ended in 2008 ---every new beginning is some other beginnings end :-)



April 2015


Registrating the bike as FÜS- RO 5 – YEAH !


Sorting out tons of bank and other paperwork , flats-, work- , transport and and and issues and details


Saying goodbye to my wonderful family, my real friends and my great staff and colleagues at the hospital, getting time pressurized and a bit nervously excited.


25th of April departing from Frankfurt / Germany to New York City tio meet my friends Joe and Jenny Rosenberg …


taking over the bike in NYC ...



March 2015








February 2015


App-programming continues / first demoversion expected end of February -

loaded with all Ride-of-Smiles contents





January 2015



December 2014




November 2014




September / October 2014