Update September 30th 2016
The Ride-of-Smiles made it back to the safe haven in Germany after 56.000 GS-Kilometers - and now comes back from celebrating with 60 supporting friends and family from the Ride-of-Smiles-Party at 1550 m altitud in the Bavarian Alps.
Friends joining us from Ucraine to Switzerland. From Berlin to Hamburg , from east to west and north to south in Germany. What a venue, what a crowd, what a band .
And best of all we even bring back more donations from the mountains - including 915 € from our friend Joergs incredible MZ-Adventure all over the roads of Germany and 1500 € all together. THANK YOU ALL FOR INCREDIBLE 49157 € OF DONATIONS UP TO NOW !
There ain´t no THANK YOU big enough for everybody who suppported and helped along all the tough riding times out on the road.
It was your support and your smiles who kept the charityproject going when times got rough.
And it was my pleasure now to bring that smile all back to you - and to celebrate what we have achieved all together - as much as sharing some of all the intense and quite often extreme experiences between snow, bushfires, deserts and hurricanes from Canada to the Australian outback - at least with those of you I could invite to the Ride-of-Smiles-Party from the 23- 25 th of September.
Eeverybody who helped along - even if you could not be with us for long distance travelling or simply time reasons. You were with us for all you did to help others !!
It was an incredibly intense experience to have shared all this with you and the world - far away from only being easy - but intense and magic at all times
Thank you all to those who know they deserve it from the bottom of my heart
Be the change, you want to see in this world
Mahatma Gandhi
For technical limitation in Google Maps we cannot display and load the whole GPS-Tarck here, but have to limit it to the last week.
To see all progress please refer to this website and allow some loading time please
Travelling out is about meeting the challenges of the unexpected. Solving problems you simply would not have unless you hit the road on your own. Yet quite a bit depends of the jobbs getting done properly by those in charge of. If anything was never expected, than it was to get stuck in American customs on our way to Southamerica....
Man mag noch so viel planen und vorbereiten, Projektsheets erstellen und sicherstellen, Informationen sammeln und weitergeben- am Ende bedeutet Reisen, mit dem unplanbaren, dem Unerwarteten, manchmal dem Unfassbaren umzugehen.
Und dafür Lösungen zu finden. Auch wenn es nicht im Traum zu erwarten war, dass wir im amerikanischen Zoll auf dem Weg nach Südamerika stecken bleiben werden...
IT-Troubleshooting at the Ride-of-Smiles
First let me apologize about all delays updating the homepage so far . And with that trying to explain, what caused these so far . And how it comes to use 3 different mobile devices in only 3 months since leaving Germany . From android tablet to Windows 8 HP netbook- up to the latest device lately send to me from Germany to my friends place in Georgia.
Somestimes you learn things the hard way – ending in steep enough learning curves to even gently slide them down again – backwards !
Sorry fuer die IT-Probleme beim Update der Hompage und der App – Der IT-Blog im Blog
Eine kurze Anmerkung zur IT des Projekts und Reisen mit einem Android-Tablet, SD-Netbooks und Windows 8 von unseren Microsoft-Freunden....und wie man es schafft , in 3 Monaten 3 verschiedene Rechner und Geräte in einem einzigen Projekt zu brauchen.
Und gleichzeitig eine herzliche Entschuldigung dafuer, dass die Updates der App und der Homepage leider teilweise sehr lange und nur sehr verzoegert online gehen koennen.
Manche Lernkurven im Leben sind steil. Manche sogar so steil, das man rueckwaerts wieder runterrutscht
It's a very sentimental farewell from New York for me. After over 3 weeks incredibly warm hospitality I have become almost a family member of my
friends Jenny and Joe Rosenberg. The open and honest warmth of these people is worth every effort to this point and will accompany me on all my ways…
Es wird ein sehr sentimentaler Abschied aus New York fuer mich. Nach ueber 3 Wochen unglaublich herzlicher Gastfreundschaft bin ich fast zu einem
Familienmitglied meiner Freunde Jenny und Joe Rosenberg geworden. Die offene und ehrliche Herzlichkeit dieser Menschen ist jede Muehe bis hierher wert, und wird mich auf allen meinen Wegen begleiten..
15 /06/2015
What a nice surprise by BMW Motorrad Northamerica - and by sure the biggest Smiley on this Charityproject
Eine gelungene Überraschung von BMW Motorrad zum Start für den Ride-of-Smiles...und bestimmt das größte Smiley in unserem Spendenprojekt
Find some short vídeo-clips along the Ride-of-Smiles ☺ charityride now on youtube. They will come along with the written Blog to share some of the road impressions along the route with you..just as much as some great music that will come in with it and a big surprise to come soon by our friends from Radio Haze...
Videoblog und Roadimpressions jetzt auf dem Ride-of-Smiles Videokanal bei Youtube....
Zusammen mit dem Blog kommen hier immer wieder kleine Videoupdates auf Deutsch und Englisch mit Reiseimpressionen und der Musik unserer Freunde von RADIO HAze und Rick , the MOTORNOMAD, der nicht nur ein begnadeter Schrauber, sondern auch ein klasse Musiker ist...und bald kommt da nch eine richtig coole Musiküberraschung dazu...