United for Africa - GFA



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United for Africa- RIDE-OF-SMILES-Donationsite

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For all our American, Canadian, Australian and English speakimg friends out on the road, as well as for classic paperbound moneytransfer please refer to bankdetails of UNITED FOR AFRICA as follows:


IBAN: DE83 3702 0500 0001 2738 00

Keyword : Ride-of-Smiles ( please always refer to  )

United for Africa is a coalition of over 20 relief and development organizations. All organizations participating in the action United for Africa campaign for improved living conditions in Africa. Find out about our respective priorities and the nature of our individual aid projects:

action medeor
Action Canchanabury
Action for World Solidarity
arche nova
AWO International
CARE Germany-Luxembourg
ChildFund Germany e.V.
German Agro Action e.V.
Relief of Lions
The Hunger Project e.V.
Islamic Relief humanitarian organization in Germany eV
St. John Ambulance e.V.
Children of Africa e.V.
Children's Fund Global Care
Children's Rights Africa e.V.
Kolping International
People for People
Quaker Help Foundation
UN Refugee Agency e.V.
World Vision Germany e.V.

Organizations wishing to participate in the campaign Tunited for Africa must meet the following criteria:

Involvement in at least three countries in Africa
Independently tested (DZI seal or a member of the Spendenrat or audit by external auditors)
Provide humanitarian assistance with transition to sustainable development
Personal responsibility for project decision-making, implementation and quality control
Information and education activities in Germany
Transparent and available financial and organizational information in Germany

In thousands of projects across the African continent the charity partners that have formed United for Africa together, promote independent developments and economic growth. They are pursuing the objectives of promoting sustainable development, alleviate suffering and to overcome poverty.
The diversity of the participating organizations reflects the diversity of their work approaches. In their projects they make day-to-day practical support for people in poverty and distress: together with them they build schools and initiate training programs to build basic medical care on emergency aid for refugees, provide clean drinking water and improve agriculture.
The "equal partnership" with the people and institutions in Africa is an essential foundation of our development cooperation.

Patron President of the FR Germany Joachim Gauck:

"Everyone has his own fortune, but when and where we will come to this world decided on another anvil. Birth and time of birth but have very much to do with what the prospects of people in life. Set to become born into a civil war in Africa only once before as it is. Together for Africa is committed to ensuring that people in Africa can use their full potential. The alliance of charities improved along with its partners in Africa in thousands of projects the living conditions of the people. In Germany supports and encourages Together for Africa new perspectives and differentiated ways of looking at our neighboring continent. The fate of Africa is also determined in Europe. This contributes Together for Africa to more opportunities and better prospects for the development. I have therefore often assumed patronage of United for Africa and would be delighted if you could support the valuable work of the Alliance. "(President Joachim Gauck, Patron of the campaign Together for Africa)


In addition to numerous citizens support over 100 prominent public figures Together for Africa. With their Beteiliung of actions and events that celebrities support the Alliance in disseminating a differentiated picture of the continent and contribute to a critical examination of the situation in African countries is taking place.
 Supporters who carry the concerns of United for Africa in a broad publics and the Africa with all its facets and contrasts - from the great vitality and innovative power to moving human fates and catastrophes - closer to install.



To go straight towards the donation please follow and stay on this link

United for Africa- RIDE-OF-SMILES-Donationsite

Please regard to ACTIVATE JAVA SCRIPT in order to properly display the donation site and enable donation functions.