BMW Motorrad Facebook


Social Media, Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, and Google+ have become an integral part of our everyday communication, of our lives. This also changes traveling and especially public projects as this one.

However, the Ride-of-Smiles seeks its way to the people of this world, not the way from Wi-Fi hotspot to hotspot. Therefore, our partners at BMW Motorrad kindly opened up their Facebook platform for regular reports from New York to Sydney and from Cuba to Buenos Aires. Professionally managed by Patrick Schorer and his team from 1 May 2015 there'll be photographic impressions, video clips, encounters, experiences, of man and machine from 50,000 miles on- and off-road



Countries -   People - Adventure Riding at  BMW Motorrad Facebook


If you like the idea and if you want to help us raise funds, please post it, and send it to your friends, and most of all come celebrating  with us, if we successfully traveled around the world all together.

....please give the Ride of Smiles your

Have fun browsing on the BMW motorcycle Facebook pages!
Country- people- adventure BMW Motorrad Facebook
Give the ride of your Smiles 
If you like the idea and if you want to help us raise funds, post it, and send it to your friends, and most of all come celebrating  with us, if we successfully traveled around the world all together.

Have fun browsing on the BMW motorcycle Facebook pages!